Monday, April 25, 2011

pottery at Old Salem

In conjunction with the exhibit "Masterworks of North Carolina Earthenware" at Old Salem I will be exhibiting on the Salem square. May 21st 10-5. come see the exhibit and stop by. Doc more info at

Sunday, April 10, 2011

'Writing an Artist Statement' Workshop @ Handmade in America

Handmade in America
125 South Lexington Ave., Asheville, NC

HandMade will present a series of free lectures to be held on the second Tuesday of every month from 6 to 8 pm. These Craft Labs will address emerging and mid-career craft artists' needs. The lectures will be taught by HandMade's new Executive Director, Gwynne Rukenbrod.

Please call 828-252-0121 or email Jami Wilds to confirm your spot for the upcoming lectures. Lectures will be held at HandMade in America's office located at 125 South Lexington Avenue in Asheville.
April 12 - The Artist Statement
May 10 - Critiques
Check the website often for future lecture topics.

Teapot & Throwing Workshop

"Throwing and Creative Construction of Forms" - SUE GRIER WORKSHOP
April 30th & May 1st at The ARTS Center in Clemson, SC.

Demonstrations will explore altering freshly thrown forms, mark making, the use of line, texture and profile to develop original and animated pottery forms. Working from wheel thrown parts will give energy to the look of the forms.

Saturday morning, Sue will use the teapot form as a starting point for throwing demonstrations. The teapot is a potter’s most complex and endlessly satisfying form for discovery. Other thrown forms will be done as time allows. Throwing techniques will include lidded forms, throwing off the hump, altering cylinders & plates, cups/saucers, goblets for starters.

Saturday afternoon will end with a slide presentation of Sue's work, influences and teapot favorites.

Sunday starts with a discussion & demonstration of teapot assembly including various types of handle solutions. We will then trade previously thrown/made spouts, lids & teapot bodies to be constructed/assembled into 2 finished teapots. As our group hands-on event unfolds, participants will start with 2 teapot bodies, 2 lids and 2 spouts drawn at random from the "pool" of parts. We will then trim, assemble, alter, add handles/knobs, carve, whatever it takes to discover new teapot forms. Sue will work with you to problem solve construction and give advice on forms as we go.

The finished forms may end up being utilitarian or sculptural - the objective is to have fun discovering news forms and expression within the forms! Sue will wind up the afternoon demonstrating stamping/sprigging and slip use on the teapot forms. Slip techniques will include use of stencils, resists, trailing and sgraffito.  As time allows, Sue will also share information and techniques on oxide washes and handouts for cone 6 glazes.

contact: The Clemson ARTS Center (located in Clemson,  SC) for registration and more information.

Hello from Leicester, North Carolina, USA

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