Sunday, April 10, 2011

'Writing an Artist Statement' Workshop @ Handmade in America

Handmade in America
125 South Lexington Ave., Asheville, NC

HandMade will present a series of free lectures to be held on the second Tuesday of every month from 6 to 8 pm. These Craft Labs will address emerging and mid-career craft artists' needs. The lectures will be taught by HandMade's new Executive Director, Gwynne Rukenbrod.

Please call 828-252-0121 or email Jami Wilds to confirm your spot for the upcoming lectures. Lectures will be held at HandMade in America's office located at 125 South Lexington Avenue in Asheville.
April 12 - The Artist Statement
May 10 - Critiques
Check the website often for future lecture topics.

1 comment:

  1. Even if you already have an artist statement - having fresh eyes look at it could be enlightening.
